Friday, January 6, 2017

No-Fat Raw Mushroom Crust Pizza with all the Toppings (no dehydrator needed)

For pizza bites:
Use Cremini mushrooms
For larger pizza crust:
Use Portobello mushrooms
Scoop out either mushrooms and chop up the insides and set aside. 
For sauce - soak: 
1/4 c. sun-dried tomatoes - soaked in juice from lemon
Soak 3 dates with the above
2 in piece of leek - sliced very thin and soaked with rest
After 30 minutes, blend well with 1 celery stalk, 1/2 zucchini, 1 garlic, and chunk of jalapeno (optional).
Soak in lemon juice for 30 minutes while sauce is soaking too: 
insides of the chopped up mushrooms
chopped green onion 
thinly sliced bell pepper
Assemble Pizza
Put sauce inside mushrooms and add:
soaked mushroom bits
soaked green onion
add soaked bell pepper
And top with thin slices (thinner the better) of Roma tomatoes 


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