Friday, December 30, 2016

Sort of Lowfat Raw Vegan Vasilopita for Stef and Mary Kay

1 cup coconut water
1 tbsp. lemon
10 dates, soak with coconut water and lemon (1 hour)
2 cups of mature coconut, broken into smaller pieces

1. Put all but dates in powerful high speed blender until coconut broken up into smaller pieces

2. Drain the coconut liquid for other use.

3. Put coconut pieces and 10 dates into food processor and pulse until they start to mix and stick together.

Will also need:
3/4 cup walnuts, ground
1 cup of raw dehydrated coconut flakes
1/4 cup whole walnut halves
pomegranate seeds
2 basil leaves or 2 spinach leaves

4. Put date and coconut mixture into bowl and mix with 3/4 cup ground walnuts

5. Press into cake pan and hide a coin inside.

6. Sprinkle with coconut flakes and write year with whole pieces of walnuts.

7. Use two spinach or bail leaves and put a pile of pomegranate seeds in between leaves.

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